Friday, December 31, 2010

Wake Up

This is amazing, I watch people, they are literally empty talking heads. They have nothing going on in their minds, they are lost and hang on to anything and everything that is given to them by the media and by their surroundings. Am I insane? Did I get stuck in a vortex of small minds? I’m trying to climb out, trying to get out, I don’t want to be surrounded by slaves.

Wake up, I plead them, I tell them, but they don’t hear, their mind is clouded by money and petty concerns. You can survive without your money. You go to work five days a week, you get off, and all I hear you do is bitch about your job, fuck this fuck that and this and the other, then on Friday you get off work and get your paycheck, but by the time you get your paycheck you are so miserable that you seek some kind of reward for the torture you feel you drag yourself through every day and so what do you do next?

You spend your money, your hard earned money on what? You spend it on bullshit, bullshit you already have, the same bullshit that your home is already filled with, it’s a disease, it’s an addiction, money is your disease. How wonderful they set it up for you, you work like a slave, you work a brain dead job, a job that does not stimulate your mind a job that drives you out of the confines of your sanity because you must shut off your consciousness in order to justify to yourself the reason why you drag your face in the mud, like a slave, because you are a slave, but the system wants you to forget that, so you willingly forget, just like they want you to, and you continue working.

If you didn’t forget you’d quit, you wouldn’t be able to stand the insanity of the idea that you should waste your life away doing what you hate. But the funny thing is that this is exactly why everything works for the consumerist system. It is in the benefit of this system for you not to have contentment, if you are content you don’t need to spend your money, if you are content you don’t need 70 pairs of shoes, or 20 million vinyl records, all that stuff comes from the emptiness in your own mind, and your mind is empty because you make it that way.

You have the ability to dive deep into the crevices of your imagination, but instead, you are afraid because if you do, you will see the horrific lie you are living, the giant game of charades that you have subjected yourself to, and facing this truth is disorienting, it’s life shattering, you would have to start life all over again, and you don’t want to. The elite, the ones with all the control in the palm of their hands, what do you think they do with their time? They read, they think and they expand their minds, they learn about the depths of souls and the layers of existence, they learn how to control their universe, and they have the time to do this.

They have the time and they have the right, because they’re settled, they’re taken care of and they don’t need to occupy their brains with the petty concerns of the general public. But the way they’ve got it set up is that the general consciousness has the consensus that you have no right to do the same thing they’re doing, you don’t have the right to develop your mind and your intelligence, and I don’t mean your intelligence as a student in a university, I mean your intelligence as a higher being, as a being that is a key part of the human race and the process of its evolution.

The reality of the matter is that we all have a much more important job in this sphere of existence, that job is not to make money, not to make money, not to make money, that is not a job, that is a false conception of an evil mind, a mind that seeks control over the masses, and it’s working, it’s working, it’s working. Stop its progression, you are drowning in a fake world, a world that has been constructed out of greed, a greed for knowledge and the intent to keep it to oneself.

You get a taste of that knowledge, a taste of the power it will bring, and you can realize why one would desire to keep it to themselves, but it is a lonely path, and we can all share in that knowledge, we can all use it, the knowledge is plentiful, and power is plentiful, there is no need for only one person to hold the pulsating power in their small greedy palm, we all have power, we all have the knowledge, but we are made to forget it, to disbelieve it, to put it aside and concern ourselves with worthless worldliness of the physical possession, we use it to measure our worth in the world, in the universe.

You are worth more than you are lead to believe, and not just in your immediate surroundings, you are slowing down the progression of the human race over all by letting yourself be stupefied, because you are that important, you matter to us all, not just to your family, not just to your friends, you matter to the entire existence of the entire human race, and that is what the elite don’t want you to know, because if we all figure that out, the elite will no longer be elite, we will all be the elite, we will all be on their level, and we will all be able to fly beyond the confines of our small minds.

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