Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Let me intervine

This is not a story of self pity, this is the story of truth. Yes, it’s always greener on the other side, and we know that it is human nature. This concept is easy to maintain if you don’t actually get to experience what it’s like on the other side, but once you do step outside of your bounds, outside artificial borders, you come closer to the truth. The truth is not that it is greener on the other side, the truth is that there are flaws everywhere. For a government it is beneficial to create the collective understanding that things are not so bad here, the greener on the other side mentality creates a psychological cycle that starts with a discontent public, that contributes its discontent to the supposed human nature phenomenon of “greener on the other side” which then keeps their expected standards of living at the will of the government rather than realizing that they can change it themselves. Basically the concept spurs a passive race of humans.

Discussing ones history, ones personal history, remembering ones stories and passing them on to others, analyzing what went wrong and weaving the pattern of your own mentality and then distinguishing which part of that mentality is your own and which part was conditioned in you by your surroundings and then taking matters in your own hands by resisting those conditioned elements and shedding them one layer at a time will create an true individual, in the sense that you will be taking a path in life that will lead you to your true essence your real desires. These are all things that the government would not want to public to do. It is undesirable to a controlling entity for the controlled to be capable of free thought.

This is not an attack on any specific government, and it is not an attack on governments in general. This is the call for a balance of knowledge, a free flow of information from all sources and the development of a public that wants to hear rather than stay in the shadows, obscured by commodity, physical possession. Everyone is capable of understanding, not everyone is willing to carry the burden, knowledge is a heavy load. The more you know, the more you are put into the position of choosing to care or not to care, to react or stay on the sidelines. The more we stay on the sidelines the easier the government’s job is. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s just facts. Once a system has been implemented it is easier to maintain the system, it is fossilized in the sense that the same old system traverses centuries rather than kept alive and sensitive to the times as well as growing and sprouting constant change accordingly with the times.

This is the government’s personal agenda, and it is carried down in the chain of command from the top all the way down through all the governing bodies down to the public at large and to individuals. In its stale state, the government must come up with ways to create the illusion of change, the illusion of progress, an example would be presidential elections. You choose between really just two parties, the Republican and the Democratic, the two candidates are only two different people, one of them is no better than the other, it’s only a matter of choosing whose bullshit do you want to deal with. So the illusion is that you are choosing the better of the two, but the reality is that neither one of them is good enough, most likely, but you have no way of choosing someone better.

to be continued...

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